
Lux Future Lab » Apply

See also:

Please fill the form below to apply

Applicant details

How much workspace or desks you need now and for the next 6 months?

Do you expect to need additional workspace or desks in the future?

What other services are you looking for?

You would like to have advice / support with the following?

Banking Services

When would you like to move in?

How did you hear about the lux future lab?

Have you participated in an incubator in the past?

Company Profile

Define your company and its vision.

What is the need that your product or service address?

What is your Unique Selling Proposition ?

Market Segmentation

Who are the potential users/customers?

How big is the market opportunity?

Technology and Intellectual Property (IP)

What is the technology innovation/discovery in your product or service? (Including development language, platform/technology used etc.)

Is your technology protected? If yes, how?

Business Model

What are the potential (or current) sources of revenue?

How can you scale this into a large business?

What is your sales and marketing strategy? (direct, through distributors, via the web, etc.)

What partners are you most likely to work with?

Competitive Analysis

Who/what are the existing and potential competitive alternatives to your solution?

How will you gain, sustain and grow a market position? How do you close the door on your competition and maintain your leadership position?

How does being hosted at the lux future lab influence your ability to succeed? What will be your benefits from it?

Team Composition

What are the current team's qualifications? (Please provide bios or profiles)

Please list in detail all company management.

Training *

What kind of training would you be interested to take?

Are you and your team willing to participate actively in the lux future lab activities to promote cooperation and learning?

Click the “Submit and download” button above to download your pre-filled application form as a .pdf file.
(Your privacy is safe: the information you enter in this form is only used to create your custom pre-filled application form, and dismissed immediately upon download. No information is stored on the server or sent to any third party.)

Please include with your file all supporting documents:
- Business Plan (summary, market & competitors analysis, financials, marketing & sales plan, etc.)
- Presentation
- Team members’ curriculums

Please send all your information to :

Contact person

lux future lab Project Manager

Tel : 4242-8197 and -3877
Email : [email protected]


Submission of an application does not guarantee acceptance into the lux future lab Incubator.
Request for a business plan and attendance at an interview does not guarantee acceptance into the lux future lab Incubator.
NB: All information, data and documents will be treated as strictly confidential.