Open Innovation Ecosystem Members

Luxembourg has maintained its status as an enviable macroeconomic environment for decades by consistently demonstrating its commitment to economic and social progress.

With its attractive legislative framework, solid infrastructure and sophisticated financial solutions the Grand Duchy is the perfect home for companies of any size. By staying flexible, investing in its diverse population and leveraging its talent pool, the country repeatedly asserts itself as a global economic leader.


By creating an environment that stimulates innovation, nyuko aims to boost Luxembourg’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. It works with public authorities, companies of all sizes, associations, the academic world, researchers and the public to develop solutions to tomorrow’s global issues.


InnoHub Luxembourg is a private soft landing platform and accelerator, that supports innovative companies and late stage start-up’s to strategically enter international markets. The platform provides all the relevant services such as fundraising, client generation, partner search…, allowing huge time saving, an acceleration of procedures, and an end-to-end approach for a successful and sustainable development. The areas of expertise are strategic business development, commercialisation strategies, and B2B & B2C marketing.   


A public-private partnership between the Luxembourg Government and the Luxembourg Financial Industry Federation, Luxembourg for Finance’s objective is to develop the country’s financial services industry and identify new business opportunities.


The global mission of Technoport® is to help and support individuals and small teams to validate and bridge their ideas to success through three platforms: the technology-oriented business incubator, the coworking space and the fab lab.


The global mission of Technoport® is to help and support individuals and small teams to validate and bridge their ideas to success through three platforms: the technology-oriented business incubator, the coworking space and the fab lab.


Luxinnovation offers a wide range of integrated and personalized services, which are based on a sectorial approach and provided, free of charge to businesses of any size, to innovative start-ups and to public research organisations. The Agency's key strengths lie in the complementarity of its internal competencies and in the quality of its national and European networks, enabling it to provide efficient and all-inclusive support that meets its clients' needs.


Relying on the strengths of both public and private partners, Luxembourg for Business operates as a trade promotion agency and liaises with Luxembourg's Trade & Investment Offices, its Embassies, Foreign Trade Counsellors, Honorary Consulates, and other international promotion networks such as bilateral Chambers of Commerce to foster Luxembourg's outbound activities. Luxembourg for Business also functions as a so-called "network agency" establishing a platform for its members to review, coordinate and improve their trade promotion efforts.creating an environment that stimulates innovation, nyuko aims to boost Luxembourg’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. It works with public authorities, companies of all sizes, associations, the academic world, researchers and the public to develop solutions to tomorrow’s global issues.


The Chambre de Commerce via its Espace Entreprises can offer assistance and personal advice to entrepreneurs. The support granted by Espace Entreprises is aimed particularly at business creators, from the conception of the project to the creation of the company, and at already established businesses relating to various administrative procedures.

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59 Boulevard Royal,

2449 Luxembourg

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