Terms & Conditions

Lux Future Lab » Terms & Conditions

You are currently linked to the site luxfuturelab.lu (referred to below as the Site), property of BGL BNP Paribas (referred to below as the Bank), governed by the following conditions :

Access and use of the Site The purpose of the Site is to present the Bank and its activities together with the products and services it makes available. Persons subject to jurisdictions that, for reasons of citizenship, residence or any other considerations, prohibit or restrict the publication or availability of the Site or the information it contains, are authorized to access the Site only insofar as this is allowed under the law applicable to them.

Information The information presented on the Site, whether of a general or particular nature, is intended only as an indication and is not of a contractual nature. It is also presented without any undertaking that it is accurate, complete or up to date. The fact that the Bank and the persons supplying it with information make the information and services on the Site available to the user in no way implies that this information and these services, and the products described on the Site, are suitable or appropriate for the user. The Site may include references or hyperlinks to other sites financed and operated by other parties. The fact that the Bank makes these links available in no way means that it endorses or finances these sites or is in any way connected with them or with their owners or operators. Consequently, the Bank cannot accept any form of responsibility or liability in connection with the content of such sites.

Privacy Access to certain pages on the Site may require the prior entry of personal information concerning the user. The user authorizes the Bank to treat this information in accordance with the provisions of the law and recognizes the Bank’s right, failing the express opposition of the said user, to use this information in the pursuit of its corporate purpose, including for purposes of prospection. The law provides that users have a right to access the information concerning them and require rectification.

Copyright All brands, logos and other material appearing on the Site are the property of the Bank or under licence and/or subject to copyright. Any representation, reproduction or dissemination, in whole or in part, of any portion or component of the Site, in any form or by any process whatsoever, for purposes other than personal, private information, is prohibited without the express consent of the Bank. References and hyperlinks to the Site require the Bank’s prior consent.

Applicable law and jurisdiction Navigation on the Site together with the transactions and other operations it makes possible are subject to the law of Luxembourg. The courts of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg are alone competent to deal with any disputes arising in connection with the use of the Site, users having nonetheless the right to bring such disputes before such other tribunals as would, failing this choice of jurisdiction, normally be competent in their regard.