Build advanced data apps to solve industrial challenges with Numa & GE
Digital Industry is an open innovation program aimed at building advanced data solutions in partnership with GE and NUMA.
The program invites independent entrepreneurs and startups with a proven track record in data science and analytics to position themselves on one or more industrial challenges, involving the use operational data to develop applications for faster decision making.
Successful teams will deploy their solutions on GE’s cloud based platform Predix and benefit from access to GE’s markets and network in addition to a grant of €20,000.
Challenge themes covered by the program include:
1. Local Grid Energy Forecast
2. Blockchain Energy Transactions
3. Indoor Location Analytics
4. Hydropower Production Optimization
5. Massive Time-Series Management
For a detailed description of challenges, timeline and resources made available by GE and Numa, we invite you to visit: http://digital-industry.io.
Applications close on Oct 31st.
However, we are already actively working with interested teams to maximize their chances of qualifying for the program.
The sooner they reach out more time we have to build a strong application!
Contact Sara Kadaoui for more informations: