International Pitching Session

Lux Future Lab » International Pitching Session



The lux future lab once again played host to start-ups from Le Camping, a major Paris-based business incubator. Following an intensive four-month preparatory period, Le Camping organises a road show for its start-ups to support fundraising. Since last year,  Luxembourg has been a key stage of the international tour, alongside Paris, London and Berlin.

The nine Camping companies were joined by a further seven start-ups looking to share their new business ideas.

Future developments in the marketplace were adressed in a panel discussion, with participants including Mario Grotz (DG for Research, Intellectual Property and New Technologies at the Ministry for the Economy), Jean-Paul Schuller (Luxinnovation), Laurent Probst (PwC’s Accelerator), Diego De Biasio (Technoport), Vincent Hieff (LBAN & Espace Entreprises) and Frédérique Gueth (Seed4Start, Business Initiative)

This event was organised in partnership with:

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Have a look at the start-ups that participated in the event, their contact details and presentations.

From Luxembourg :

Airbox Lab: smart device monitoring your indoor air and giving you predictive and personalized advice to improve your air & life quality.

Contact: Jacques Touillon      

Wellevue a social enterprise tool which aims at changing behavior in people and organizations

Contact: Michel Daun     

Yappoint: a platform that matches organizers with sponsors by automatically filtering incoming events according to criteria predefined by sponsors.

Contact: Peter Pöhle    

Malin Shopper: is an online aggregator of local promotions. It helps customers find the best deals nearby and offers stores a powerful marketing tool to promote their products online.

Contact:  Carlos Perez  

Soundytics: technology to create enhanced user experiences and ultra-personalized music recommendation

Contact:  Hugo Bon   

MyScienceWork: the scientific social network dedicated to the entire, global community of researchers

Contact:   Fräntz Miccoli   

SWIRL: Smart Wind Integrated Renewables Lëtzebuerg, have developed a state of the art, high ROI small vertical axis urban and rural wind turbine for export market.

Contact:    Joseph Hess      

From Le Camping :

Look at the Le Camping start-ups book!

Agriconomie: is a B2B market place specialized in the agricultural sector ; it creates a more efficient bridge between farmers and their products and inputs suppliers.

Contact:    Paolin Pascot     

Artips: sends a daily anecdote, witty and memorable, about an art masterpiece, to be read in 1 minute only. Artips makes art and its history more accessible both in terms of content and mobility

Contact:      Coline Debayle        

BandSquare: enable emerging artists to perform on stage thanks to a ticketing system based on crowdfunding principles: if enough people book their tickets, the concert is confirmed. We bring the venues, we have the audience. The production risk of an emerging artist is mutualized.

Contact:     Chloé Julien        

Hublo: allows marketers to set-up tracking for web analytics on their site visually and without relying on their tech teams

Contact:      Ciryl Gantzer           

Krack: is a hardware device + app for skaters to allow them to track their sessions, share their tricks, discover new spots in their city.

Contact:      Kevin Straszburger       

LocalEyes: is a mobile app that allows anyone to earn money on-the-go by collecting information in stores for brands and retailers. Brands and retailers can now check-on any product or service in real-time accross thousands of stores

Contact:  Olivier  Mougenot    

Qleek: is just like a CD but for online content. It gives this content a physical life, by putting your favourite Youtube channel, Spotify playlist or Flickr albums back on your shelf, and allowing you to play them easily, without even turning your computer on

Contact:  Ismail Salhi               

Realytics: is a real-time business and user centric analytics platform. We enable any connected business to measure and anticipate its activity in a quick and cost-efficient way

Contact:   Guillaume Belmas       

StreamRoot: is a smart peer-to-peer video streaming solution that reduces drastically bandwidth costs for web video platforms, and improves the quality of service for the end users

Contact:   Pierre Louis Theron   

Takes io: introduces, a new way for sharing and annotating all visual elements involved in an audiovisual production.

Contact:    Alexis  Ohayon       

TasteHit: is a SaaS product recommendation engine for online shops that lets visitors control their shopping experience. Using state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms TasteHit understands shoppers’ tastes and behaves as the best virtual salesperson by increasing conversion and making shoppers more loyal

Contact:  Alexei Kounine     

Tripndrive: offers free parking at the airport to travelers who will rent out their cars to other travelers arriving at the same airport. Renters will rent up to a 60% discount compare to traditional car rental companies.

Contact:      François-Xavier Leduc        


Some pictures from the event