Firth Improvement is starting the first Lean Coffee in Luxembourg.
What is it?
As can be guessed from the name it is a meeting with coffee during which lean related topics will be discussed. The topics to be discussed are selected by the people attending the meeting. Yes you got it right! You are deciding (in a democratic election) what topics will be discussed.
How does it work?
In the beginning of the meeting ideas/topics for the conversation with will be gathered. After the ideas/topics are collected, the voting takes place. Based on the voting some topics will be discussed and the remaining will be kept for the next meeting.
Who is it for?
For everyone!
May 28, 2015; Time 18:30-22:30
lux future lab| 59, boulevard Royal | L-2449 Luxembourg
Interested? Then register for free! (Places are limited)
Just send us an email at [email protected]