Lux Future Lab's new Digital Identity...

Isabelle Waty, Lux Future Lab Growth Hacker interviewed by Stephen Evans

New website: focus on the “Community of Doers”

On 21th March we launched our new website. Isabelle explains the goals and challenges.


Q: Why has the Lux Future Lab website been completely revamped?

A: Five years of developing our services and seeing the changing needs of our partners meant a rethink was needed. We have a great story to tell, having helped to create 50 startups and more than 400 jobs.


Q: How did you plan this redesign?

A: To see the bigger picture, and focus on our strengths and weaknesses we conducted an analysis of our old website. Those insights fed into the broader debate about the services offered by the Lux Future Lab. A series of workshops also helped us clarify our needs.


Q: The idea of a "Community of Doers" has emerged. Please explain how the website will contribute.

A: Lux Future Lab is a Community, an Incubator and an Academy, and now this is clearly defined . We have a wide network of contacts, and the website will help our young entrepreneurs plug into this. Additionally, each startup has a dedicated presence on the website, which will help them introduce themselves to potential new partners. Finally, the site will seek to develop an entrepreneurial spirit more broadly in Luxembourg, with pages relevant for the startups, the employees of our bank, schools, and other interested individuals.


Q: How will the new website encourage new and return visits?

A: First of all, this is the way for startups to apply to join the Lab via the streamlined “Say Hello” process. Also, not only does the site have rich, up-to-date information, its warm look and feel that will encourage users to pay us regular visits. The site fits into our broader communication strategy which includes the newsletter and an active social media presence. We’ve also made sure that we can be found easily on search engines.


Q: What’s next?

A: The new site was only launched in late March, so inevitably ideas for further improvements will emerge. So we remain open to the need to make small improvements and major innovations when necessary.

Stay tuned!

Lux Future Lab New Website is LIVE

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