On July 1st 2016, the innovative artificial intelligence spin-off company LuxAI wins the first prize for their socially assistive robot at Mind & Market Forum in Maison du Savoir in Belval.
LuxAI is a spin-off from the SnT at the University of Luxembourg, which is specialized in socially assistive robotics and is now incubated by lux future lab. The team, led by Dr Pouyan Ziafati and Dr Aida Nazarikhorram, developed the prototype of the robot with the assistance of an Fond National de la Recherche Proof of Concept grant.
Who is LuxAI? LuxAI uses the latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence and robot-therapy in building social robots to assist people. Their mission is to make socially assistive robots economical and user-friendly in order to enable all teachers, therapists and care givers to use advanced robots in their everyday work of improving the health and education of people.
What is Mind&Market?
The Mind & Market Forum was organised by Deloitte, the University of Luxembourg, the FNR, Luxinnovation and Mind & Market Belgium.
17 awards have been presented at Mind & Market, which is a Luxembourgish Forum and event where creators of innovative projects have the opportunity to pitch their business model in front of an international business and expert audience. In total, 26 project were pitched by the project owners in the fields of engineering, sustainable development, platform interaction, smart data and e-health.
Have a glimpse of that Mind&Market was about this year: