The series of Stanford lectures, dedicated to the topic “How to start a start-up” continue! The guests are welcome to watch the videos and engage into interesting conversations with the invied speakers, while exploring the incubators of Luxembourg! lux future lab has been the co-organiser and host to the first four events and now nyuko and Technoport open their doors and become the hosting venues.
This Wednesday, on the 3rd of June @ 17.30, at nyuko, there will be a video “Doing things that Don’t Scale” shown, followed by the discussion and networking coctail. For more information and registration, please click here.
For further information please visit our linkedin sub-group “How to start a Start-up” in “Start-up Luxembourg”.
Organisators: Luxinnovation, Luxfuturelab, LPEA, Jonk Entrepreneuren, Chambre de Commerce – with support from nyuko and Technoport.